
Monday, July 21, 2008

What really happened?


Ok, time to get serious... I think by now most of my classmates know about the complicated problem we had for PLB project. Haiz... Anyway, details below... =(

I seriously think that there is miscommunication within our group and we do things too last minute already. To those who saw your name here, don't get offensive. I meant no harm. Just trying to use my blog as a medium to clear the misunderstanding and make the dark clouds go away =]

Sunday, 20 July 2008:
We met in school to do our PLB. Quan had to go for a scholarship seminar so he left early. Before sunday, i told everyone to prepare the info of their part for the exhibit in ppt. But obviously, none did due to the lack of time and sleep.

Since Quan will be home late, he asked me to help him do the ppt. However, Salny helped me to do Quan's part since i cannot manage my tasks fast enough. At 1.30am, Salny couldn't make it on time, so i asked her to call Quan to do. I understand that being woken up from your beauty sleep is damn irrtating, so when Quan picked up the phone he speaks in a dman irritated tone lah. CONFIRM ONE LAH! If it was me i will oso be damn irritated. I understand dat. But what i am angry and disappointed was when Salny told me at 2+am that Quan did not edit his part. So being damn tired and stressed i got damn pissed off lah!


Continue... Confronted Quan today after lesson to understand what happened. There was misunderstanding and this is what Quan said... He said he sent the ppt at 2am and told Salny that he sent already, Salny oso replied ok. But Shu Ying already pasted everything in without Quan's part, so on Monday morning (21 July) Quan was asking why his part was not there, Shu Ying, being the gan jiong spider, speak louder lah, cuz she gan jiong liao mah.. hahaha..

There was some erm, shouting according to a source (I cannot confirm cuz i wasn't there, not that i don't believe the source) and some blaming of each other of course... i think it's because Quan felt that he suffered from injustice cuz he did send the ppt so he spoke slightly louder. (This is base on my personal assumption) So Salny, don't take it to heart. I think he meant no harm =]

While typing, i realise there are more things i need to clarify with them... So, Salny, i need to hear from you too cuz you left immediately after lesson today. =] Our group need to communicate regarding this.

Oh well, i abit abit lazy to type lah huh... I am so gonna get to the bottom of this matter, after all we are still friends and classmates =]

Lesson learnt: Never only look at one source (Apply the Social Studies, Source Based Questions technique. haha...) Compare and contrast!!! LOL!!! Most importantly, I NEED TO KEEP CALM!!! I am gonna tell Mr Land Mine that i am quitting from his clan, the 地雷派 (land mine clan) and join LZB 大师姐 in 冷静派 (calm clan) as 小师妹! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Left right right left up up down B! =D


*signing off*

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