Happy 19th Birthday BABA!!!
Friday, 22nd August:
Late already, so i am gonna let picture do the talking... =)
Yah lah Fred, u are now only 1 year younger then me, NOT 2 YEARS!!! hahaha!!! TSK!!! O_O!!!
Name of the cake? "the ROCK cake" (i named it-u will know why later...) LOL!

Chen Pei, Crystal, Valerie, Cindy, Gordon, Quan, Wei Bin, Alvin! WHERE ARE U ALL???
More then half of TF05 are going to attachment soon... =( Sad sia... Anyway, those staying back to study, rmb to jio us out ok!!! I wanna go sentosa, ECP, KBox, kayaking!!! hehehe...
Saturday, 23 August:
Went to LZB's house to nua!!! Together with stone! =D So long nv meet up le lor!!! Anyway, nua and gossip abit at her house.. HAHA so FUN! And someTWOs so early went off to watch movie lor. TSK!!! I want to play Mario Kart!!! Next week ok LZB!!! =D
LZB: Yes, although you live in Japan, i live in Singapore, we're still under the same sky, and i will always love uuuuuuuuu!!!
LOL!!! I think LZB's gonna kill me if she saw this! WAHAHAHAHA!!!
So fun lor i tell u! I feel like buying Wii too!!! OMG!!! KNS SI RUPING!!! Why u got Wii!!! TSK!!!

HAHAHA!!! LZB!!! I am so gonna win u in Mario Kart!!! ROAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!
That's all folks... =D
BYE! Tired....
*signing off*
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