IMO: Li Jia Wei

Well first thing that pop up in my mind is, why let a S'pore PR take our nation flag? Ok, no offence to all the PRs in S'pore but i think for the opening of Olympic, a national event, a big big event, should let pure Singaporeans take or at least PRs living in S'pore since they were a kid. I think this will be fairer. YES, I THINK!!!
Second thing that pop up is, "Wah piang, she got no respect to the country lor" Take the flag like ai mai ai mai (want don't want, want don't want). If you wanna take the national flag in a national event like Olympic, please hold it upright and straight. Not sliding here and there, swaying here and there. zzzzzzzzzzz...
Angry sia... Why let her take lor??? I know she had made S'pore proud by winning lots of medals but, why her??? Maybe a guy should take cuz a guy is stronger and i assume the flag is heavy thus it swayed here and there. Or maybe a girl that is participating in the wieght-lifting category should carry cuz she is strong... hahaha... Whatever!!!
Anyway, i just dislike people that don't respect Singapore. Not dislike, BUT HATE!!! Yah, i am a fan of Singapore, go ahead and laugh i don't give a damn. At least i dare to say it out that i Love Singapore! Not like some other people criticising their own country. What a shame!!
I love Singapore, it's the place i was born, i live, i play and i grow.
bahhhhhhh.. just some rants IN MY OPINION!
Disclaimer: Above post are just base on what i think! ((:
P.S.: I think the article should be BIGGER!!! not so small, so more people will see. and it has to appear on the newspaper headline!!! =D
*signing off*
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