Long time never post photos ((:
Hello hello!!! Had been so busy and tired lately!!! Working is really NO LIFE LOR!!! tsk tsk tsk!!! Anyway, regarding my erm, chinese words post. I am actually talking about my poor camera... T_T It gone forever! Fucking sad lor! My 19th birthday present leh!!! HOW CAN?!?!?!?!?!
You will never thought of what really happened to my chio Sony Red Rouge T100 lor! Super dramatic! I am not gonna say it in details but if u do ask, i might or might not answer u. It will depend on my mood. If i am in good mood, i will answer u. If i am in bad mood, i will SCREW u!
Ok here it goes.... My chio camera committed suicide at Bedok Jetty on 23rd Nov 2008! FUCK! It has now imigrated to the deep and cold sea bed. ARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, mum bought me a new camera... =D Love mummy 多多!HAHAHA!!! =D Pictures shall talk! But i think the camera shall be my 21st birthday present lor. Tsk! SAD!!! NO Present from mummy liao =(
Gotten my new DJMax 3 PSP game from LZB! Fun, but i prefer 1 & 2 cuz got ppl singing.. haha... DJMax 3 is all music... Snail mailed LZB my Memory stick, and this is what she return to me when we met for lunch one afternoon.............
The 2 pics below are taken secretly at office... hehehe...

BYE!!! I got to sleep!!! O_O!!! That's all for now, more updates comingggggg =DD
*signing off*
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