Super happening!
Alright, i am back from POC on sunday. It was FUN FUN FUN! I LOVE LOVE LOVE kayaking, rafting and omega descending (flying fox)! =D However, i injured my toe nail during the performance nite. I was so bloody painful lah. And it bleed! :( Dunno whose slippers (note: IT'S SLIPPERS) so hard and it actually make part of my nail detach from the skin and bleed. Da sao said, wah, ur groupmate's slippers made of metal ar! LOL so funny!
Oh yah! On friday after our lesson, miss wen fell down at the staircase at blk 72. The stairs from the lift lobby to canteen 1. She looks so pale lah after she fell and she sprained her ankle. OMG! She fell almost at the same spot as me during the Kara BBQ dat day. =S *spooky*
Back to my toe, went to see doc on monday, had a super duper mini mini operation to have my nail totally detached (took out the nail). Had 4 jabs of anestatic (i am not sure of the correct speelling)! before it get totally numb! OUCH! The jabs are damn painful lah. But the 4th jab, i didn't feel anything cuz the first 3 jabs had taken effect. But but but, the first 3 jabs are really really damn painful and i teared a little :(:( My poor toe...
Now, i am walking like a crippled :( Monday nite talked wif miss wen and had a funny conver lah, and i called ourselves the "bai ka er ren zu" LOL! She's bai ka no. 1 i am bai ka no. 2 cuz she injured her leg first! LOL!Trends in injuring leg...
Talked wif hui-er (my telepathy buddy) on the same day, she oso had the same injury as me! LOL! And she's going to have her nail taken off after her heats! LOL, so coincident can! hahaha. Really is telepathy level MAXIMUM! LOL! Anyway, we got to meet on fri! ok! haha.
Today, went to pizza hut for lunch at bukit timah plaza which is a 10 mins walk from skool. Guess wat, we took cab there! LOL! I am not sure who suggested to take cab but it was a comfy ride as it was a merc cab! hohoho! Initially, Shu Ying, Salny, Pei Wen, Kent, Fred, Sheng Lin, Gordon and Wei Bin agreed to go to pizza hut. In the end, only left the 4 of us who took cab, Pei Wen, Shu Ying, Fred & myself. LOL =.= Paid 80 cents per person for the ride. LOL! And why i took the cab? Cuz i am bai ka! LOL!
Alright, i am tired and lazy to check wat i had typed. *yawns*
Oh, stupid blogger is giving me problems again. I can't even centralise and change colour for my font. WTH! See Pic!In Firefox.
*signing off*
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