
Saturday, November 15, 2008

no life leh!!!

working is so no life... I had not watched a movie for dunno how many donkey months... =( Sometimes feel so emo at work... cuz nth to do... colleagues are nice... but sometimes, i just have this weird feeling... Shall not elaborate much abt it =(

got so emo today.. luckily LZB told me the DJmax 3 can be played... YEAH!!! =D sian... i wonder how will my another 2 months ++ be??? =(

i am very bothered by how ppl look at me nowadays... =( haiz... sian... had not been in good mood recently... although i still smile and look cheerful... but deep inside, i am not... 强颜欢笑 is the best description...

haiz... bye...

*signing off*

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