好久没 blog! (Long time no blog!)
hahaha... i am back! This shall be my first February post!
Damn short as i am damn lazy!
Made baked rice for dinner today! Awesome! Nicer then the first time i baked! hahaha! Mum say very nice!... hehehe... and everything was eaten and nothing left! hoho! Pictures shall do the talking!Salmon + Prawns + Chicken + Hotdogs + Cream of chicken + Cooked Rice + Mozzarella cheese! ((:
Watched "Breakout!" Korean extreme dance comedy at Esplande on Friday the 13th! It was awesome! Luckily i suggested to LZB and Stone to watch lor! They should thank me!!! hehehe! Anyway, i am so gonna go watch them again if they are coming back to Singapore to perform! LOVE~~~
Didn't want to get home that early so went to Haagen Dazs for ice cream before getting home. Getting a cab was so so so difficult that night! TSK!
Pictures shall talk... u can see i am so lazy to blog!

OK... That was 13th Feb 2009...
16th Feb... Went out with Jazz and watched "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". It was awesome man! I LIKE! Near 3 hours movie and it wasn't boring at all!
If you have not watched or not intending to watch "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", YOU SHOULD GO WATCH IT!

Ok! End of post! BYE!!! =D
*signing off*
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