
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Finally... After a long drag! *quoted from Jolyon*

Yeap, finally.......................................... after such a long long long drag, i had find the time to finish editing little of the photos we took during the fiveONE sentosa outing on 12 March. hahaha! i noe i am lazy. But i am busy oso lor, BAoC, tuition, meeting frens and skool started this week. =S u noe u noe, i dun have much energy when i dun have enough sleep. =D

Alright i shall start the day, wif meeting Lihui, Gary, Wei Yang & Wee Long on the MRT station's platform, met them at dunno wat time and i was abit late. LOL, reached harbour front and still wait for the rest of the gang. I was rather angry dat the STUPID IDIOTIC JOLYON bluffed me! I hate it lah. Just tell me the truth dat u all juz boarded the train not long ago lah, wat for say u're at somerset station. And make me look like a fool over the phone dat i actually belief wat he said. ARRGGHHH! WTH!!!

Anyway, next time, got this kind of stuffs, i will not help to inform ppl! DAMN IT! ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAARS!

Shall not talk so much. See photos............

Photos taken while waiting for the rest and during the tram ride.

Hui-er and me, while walking to subway...

Jazz & me... (:

Gary & me.....

While walking to subway for our lunch, a small grp of students was playing amazing race or some sort of games dat requires them to take photos wif a grp of students. They requested to take a photos wif us so TADA! =D

This was taken at the waterfall at the Merlion. Jolyon & Tin Shen sneaked in and we took photos for them! LOL!

Jazz, Hui-er & me at Subway having our lunch...

Pretty Hasanah & me (: taken while walking to palawan beach.

Amaluna & me......................

Hui-er & me at the beach...

Jazz, Gary & me... ACTING DAO! LOL

Gary & me imitating L! Ryuzaki wa KAWAII desuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! =D

Yiwen, Jazz, Hui-er & me!

Hui-er & me again! BESTEST BUDDIES for LIFE! =D

One nice group shot! :D

Hui-er & me... one of my favourite pic! =D

Jazz & me again! =D

Tin Shen & me... I think he's just too hungryyyyyyyyyy.. LOL!

The chairperson, Yusoff & me! wif erm... half of Jolyon's extra face at the background. LOL

Pretty Nadiah & me.... (:

Marvin, Jolyon, Hasanah & me...

The unique fiveONE girls! haha! =D

We played captain's ball in the tent dat was put up there.. SO fun lah! Asked Kah Khoon to help me take photos since he is not playing. So many candid shots. And these 2 are really funny. And the main characters are the same..............................

Helmi & Lihui! LOL! Funny pose...

Them again... This time, Helmi looks like he is going to smack Lihui's face. LOL!

Hui-er & me again! Took this photo to say: "I am VERY tall!" LOL!

Us again! =D

Farhana & me...

Some group shots taken...

While looking through all the photos, i realise dat i took a lot of photos wif Hui-er, so i combine them into one nice pic! haha.

Bestest Buddies! =D

Unglam pic of the day! YONG TIN SHEN! U look super GAY can! ahahahahaha!

Favourite pic of the day! Taken by Lihui! LOVES this pic!

Lastly, *uniquely five\\*ONE '2005 -

FYI: Megan Lim is our form teacher! LOVES MISS LIM! =D

Last lastly, i changed my background and header pic! COMMENT! TAG! VISIT OFTEN! =D


*signing off*

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