
Thursday, April 05, 2007

NO time NO time!

NO time lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! NO time to edit photos. NO time to blog! :( NO BLOG NO LIFE! NO PHOTOS, NO LUCK! =s hahaha.. The photos in my folder is getting more and more.. 5/1 Sentosa outing, BAoC Prep, 100% frens outing, miss wennnnnnnnnn b'day prep, miss wennnnnnnnnn b'day. Man, so many of them.. I think have 500 photos liao. *shocking face* O_O

Anyway, last sat met up wif the other 2 100% fren. hahaha. ate at vil'age, went to paragon, taka kino, bought a year diary, went to raffles city to bring da sao food cuz she is queueing for donuts factory, went to esplanade to take photos. :D Den go to donut factory and help da sao queue while she go to buy some stuff. Da sao and me bought 2 dozens of donuts, Loo Zer bought half a dozen. Da sao queued for 5 hours! I think it is because of weekend and thus she needs to queue for so long.. sia lahhhhhhh, legs breaking donuts! LOL! When i took over her to queue, i waited for 1 hour before i could order. WTH?!?!?! But, the donuts are nice! Especially double choco and strawberry white heart :D yum yum! see pic! shall upload 3 pics today so dat i will have more luck! hahaha..

One box of donuts! :D

Two boxes of donuts = 2 dozens of donuts = 24 donuts! YUM YUM!

12 beautiful donuts! *drools* :D

And, today went to watch movieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (finally) wif Princess Salny! YEAH! MOVIE! U noe i LOVE movie like dat LZB! hahaha... dun say i didn't mention u in my entry! LZB! Watched "The Hitcher" i dun recommend ppl watching it. Cuz the ending ended so abruptly! No meaning at all! Lucky the ticket is only $6. haha.. anyway, gonna catch "Because i said so" this coming sat wif LZB! LZB LZB LZB! ok, i have mentioned u 7 times in one entry, so for the next 6 entries, i shall not mention about u! WAHAHAHA! who asked u say i live in Wululu, and the MP for wululu is Lulu Wu Lulu! ROARSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

U ORH LULU LAH! =s alrite, shall try to post all photos by this weekend or maybe i shall not post all in one entry, i shall post them a few times so i can have more entry! hahaha! :D

Alright, shall end here! BYE!

*signing off*

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