
Sunday, April 08, 2007

Movie week! :D

Firstly, i jus realise dat i had been doing some redundant stuffs for many weeks. Wasted a lot of my time, and it could be well spent working or going out or sleep. yeah.. I only realise how stupid am i after wasted so much time. *slaps Wee-a-Ling's forehead!*

Anyway, this week is MUVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WEEK! hahaha. watched 3 movies! SHIOK! hehehe.

Watched The Hitcher on Wednesday wif Salny at Causeway Point. Well, i won't recommend ppl watching it cuz it is kind of scary and the ending is zzzzzzzzzzzz =.= Like wat i said in previous post, it ended abruptly. No meaning at all! haha.. anyway, no pic no luck mah, so i took the pic of the movie tix. hahaha.. :D:D:D:D:D

Watched the movie at student rate! Only at CWP! hahaha.. :D

Watched Shooter on Friday wif JF. Hmmmm, much better den The Hitcher cuz it has got meaning in the movie. But the ending again, ended quite abruptly as in, no logic at all. So, it still worth watching but watched it on a weekday at CWP for $6. LOL.

Well, it's $9.50. But i no need to fork out any money! hahaha... :D:D:D:D:D thanks JF!

Watched Because I Said So on Saturday wif LOO ZER! (I mentioned ur name again. TSK!) Anyway, nice movie.. Funny and abit RA cuz got *** scene. nv show lah! =s I think next time i will asked LOO ZER wat movies are nice before watching them. Cuz, i always watched nice movies wif her! Dunno why! She is officially my MOVIE KHAKI! Call me often hor! I will set aside money for MOVIESSSSSSSS! :D:D:D:D:D After movie, we went The Heeren to walk walk. Saw a nice bag, but it cost $39.90. Freaking expensive, as in the bag dun worth dat price, Taiwan auction only sells $15 - $25 for dat kind of bag!

Enough of dat bag, although i am abit heart pain for not buying it. Anyway, i bought a new HP pouch cuz the white colour one NUA already! When i zip it up, it is like when it is not zipping up! WTH! Afterwhich, walked to Taka and it is raining! TSK! TSK! TSK! Bought the brownie mix and am baking it tml! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Den we went to take the train to woodlands, bought our dinner at LJS. Bought Seafood combo, not really nice, $5 quality! LOL. I still prefer the combo 1. hahaha...

Went home, ate our dinner, asked LOO ZER to help me re-install my photoshop in D drive cuz C drive is running out of space. :D Who needs photoshop?? LOL. Mum asked me whether i want to go Loyang Dua Bei Gong, i said yes cuz i want to go out and spend my precious last few days of holiday wif my family. Brother drove LOO ZER back home cuz she lives at Bedok and Loyang and Bedok quite near so shun bian lor. hahaha! Went to Changi Village to have supper! Ate seafood! SHIOK! Brother ordered "Lah lah" (some clam thingy), BBQ sting ray and the famous Chicken Rice there. SHIOK SIA! hahaha. i LOVE the seafood there! SUPERB! :D:D:D:D:D End of today! (:

Because i said so! NICE NICE NICE! Mandy Moore is CHIO! hahaha.

I LOVE watching movie wif LOO ZER! Cuz she always book the tix online and we always got the best seats! (: (: (: (: (: Hopefully i can save enough money to open another bank acc in UOB and get my Visa! :D Bless me!

Happy day! Happy movie week! Looking forward to Pirates of carribean officially showing in Singapore on MY BIRTHDAY! Also, Eternal Summer, Spiderman 3, Harry Potter and many many moviessssssss! I LOVE MOVIES! Missed watching Music & Lyrics! Got to get the DVD/VCD when it is out!!!


The ranking of the 3 movies are as below! hahaha!

Champion: Because I Said So, 1st Runner-up: Shooter, 2nd Runner-up aka LAST: The Hitcher.


On a random note, I am falling in LOVE wif Justin Timberlake's Latest album! FutureSex/LoveSound! NICE NICE NICE! I like My Love especially! NICE NICE NICE! :D:D:D:D:D

Bye! *eyes closed*

*signing off*

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