
Monday, April 09, 2007

Lazy Lazy Lazy!!!

Ahhhh.. i am so lazy to photoshop the photos.. i think i will not combine many of the photos and will not post them up. Very tedious leh! =S

Have been listening to ONLY English songs recently. I have been very addicted to my iPod oso. haha. carry it everywhere i go. listening to it when i nv talk to anyone. Abandoned my Chinese songs. Haha. They had became orphanage! Who wants to adopt them? LOL.

Ok, random!

And today, i dunno why, everything juz pisses me off. And telling mum why i am so pissed off, she juz dun understand how i feel and it makes me even more pissed! She even said dat i am so unreasonable and stuff. U dun even understand how i feel and u juz said i am unreasonable. I think other den LOO ZER understands how i feel, no one will. Maybe dat's because we are geminian and our characters are rather alike in someway and another.

Sometimes u will see me pisses off for no reason suddenly, dat is because i juz keep everything to myself and thus one day i will EXPLODE! *BOOM* I refused to tell ppl because they dun understand and i feel dat there isn't a point to tell them since they dun even understand so, i might juz as well swallow everything and keep it to myself until i explode one day. I usually throw my pillows and stuffs around me, or hit the things around me real hard. If laptop wasn't dat expensive, i would have thrown it to the floor. I tried throwing my previous phone b4, kicked it and it dropped to the floor from my bed. The phone i using now, i threw it from far to my bed oso. It will not crack or watever, but it does have the impact on the phone.

Alright, enough of my violent side. I guess everyone has their own way of showing their anger and unhappiness. For me, i choose to keep it to myself and pretend to be happy. Wait till the time i really can't take it anymore, i will juz get piss wif everything. So if one day i got so pissed wif u for no reason, i am sorry, i am not feeling good! Please forgive (:

As for some other ppl i have noticed, they either showed their unhappiness directly on their faces or juz get pissed wif other ppl or juz scold someone or juz keep quiet. So, from all these i had observed, i can understand how they feel. The feeling is like, everything juz make u so pek cek and u feel like shouting! Some may agree wif me, some may not.

Anyway, i started this entry without anything in mind, juz wanted to say i am so lazy and in the end. Haha! So yea.. I dunno wat to continue and this entry may sound nonsensical or u dun understand it, nvm, cuz i juz typed wat i feel without rephrasing them. haha..




*signing off*

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