
Tuesday, April 17, 2007



Super UNGLAM day! :(
Salny, Fred & Kent all bully me lah! :(
Later den say dat.

Met LOO ZER bitch 1pm at tamp.
Ate Billy Bombers, her treat :D.
Watched "Turistas". The movie is SUPER gross lah! Not say very nice, cuz i dun like bloody & disgusting scenes. Maybe professional killers and ppl who likes gross-y scenes will like the show. LOL. The front part of the movie is still ok, the back part =S, i did this for most of the time see photo below! LOL!


Went to meet Salny, Fred & Kent after my movie. We went to watch "The Reaping" this time round at Cine. Saw Cindy and her fren commented on Salny. He said something like this "see dat idiot ordered packed food and eat at the railing." hahaha... Cindy's fren is so mean lah!

The Reaping wasn't dat bad lah, juz got shock by some scenes a few times. Not like Salny, scream out LOUD! LOL. Went to starbucks and the 3 of them bullied me lah! Keep on taking my UNGLAM photos! ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAARS! :( :( :( :( :( Fred started it first! ARRGGGHHH!!! Delete all my unglam photos from ur phone and laptop! Thank you all so much!

Anyway, i will revenge now! I have got some of the guys unglam photos! wahahaha!


Trying to act like someone. But unglam moment captured by erm.. Salny? LOL


Trying to act cool. But, NOT COOL LOR! =S

Act emo! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............

Wat =.=


Sour sour?!?!?!?

Ba ba! LOL!

Chao Ah Beng!

Enough of unglam photos... Some nice photos now :D :D :D :D :D

Woooooooooooooooooooooo ~~~ Reflectionnnnnnnnnnnnn!

Lovely Salny :)


Lastly, one nice nice glam glam photo of...

Salny & me!


P.S: Not all photos are taken by me, most of it are taken by Salny. I am not good at taking unglam photos of others, cuz i am too nice and i dun want to ruin their glam image. LOL! :D :D :D :D :D

Started this post wif half eye closed and confusing mind. =S

*signing off*

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